Tuesday, February 21, 2017

History of Museums-The Louvre Museum

History of Museums

The Louvre Museum


The Louvre is the world’s largest museum and most fascinating historical art
collections house. The museum opened on 10 August 1793 with an exhibition
of 537 paintings, In the history of museums world famous paintings preserved
in this museum. Sits along the banks of the Seine River in Paris, French.

The Louvre was originally built as afortress in the 12 century. In the16th century louvre was turned into a renaissance style palace for royal art collection which consisted of a dozon paintings by Leonardo di Vinci and Raphael had stolen from Italy. Once the palace moved to Versailles and disrepair, full of bums, bars and brothels. The palace renovated and expanded and renovated and was the home of king Louis XIV. It also served as a royal palace until Louis XIV moved to the palace of Versailles in 1682. The Louvre anwraps around a central square known as the Cour Napoléon. It is in this square that you will find the renowned glass pyramid that was designed by I.M. Pei and inaugurated in 1988. Not to the end of discussion about the Louvre without you'll find inside. History of museums the louvre  has historical features. About 10 million visitors come each year, the Louvre is the most visited and largest museum in the world.
Louvre Museum
After the French revolution the doors were opened for people. It contains some of the most famous paintings  in the world such as the Venus di Milo, Mona Lisa, Winged Victory of Samothrace and the best collection of Greek, Roman and Egyptian antiquities and paintings. Most art lovers is the louvre.  Mona lisa  and venus di Milo well known in the world. The Mona Lisa is a half-length portrait of a woman that was painted by famous Italian Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci.  Consequent to the Louvre museum, da Vinci workd on the Mona Lisa between the year of 1503 and 1506.  
Louis XIV
Under Napolion a  northern wing paralleling the Grande Galerie was begun, and the collection grew through Napoleon. Dominique Vivant Denon wqas  appointed the museum's first director. he was Napoleon's art advisor, and accompanied him on the expedition to Egypt. Through his initiative, the Valley of Kings in Egypt was discovered and studied extensively. As a result, he was later installed by Napoleon as the director of Mesee Napoleon formerly the Louvre, build the status of the museum as a center for global storehouse for cultural heritage.  In Napoleon's period, acquisitions came from conquered lands and the museum was known as Musée Napoleon. After his defeat at Waterloo, the museum returned to its original name.


The main entrance is through the lass pyramid in Cour Napoleon. Below the Pyramid the Hall Napoleon, a 700 foot cave which hold the ticket office. must be pick a map at the information desk. Guide help visitor except Sunday and Tuesday. Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo the most famous attractions of visitors, The Virgin and Child with St. Anne, Virgin of the Rocks areTwo paintings by Leonardo da Vinci Gilles by Jean-Antoine Watteau or the great masterpieces of David, The Oath of the Horatii and Coronation of Napolean, Esclaves(Slaves),  Turkish Bath, Diana Resting After Her Bath. are not to be miss for visits.

Mon Lisa crowd
There is so much Time for visit Louvre Museum. Its can be difficult to know where to start and to end. Under the Louvre’s eight departments to carry out the works. These departments combined contain surrounding 30,000 works including Greek and Roman antiquities, northern European and French paintings, decorative arts, Islamic arts. Drawings, sculpture and  oriental antiquities and centuries-old masterworks, royal  jewels and other artifacts from French nobles.  Its works span the sixth century B.C. to the 19th century A.D Its also displays dedicated contemporary arts..

The architecture of Loubre Museum is art of itself. Its beauty is attractive. It features a blend of architectural style and constructed with establishing the Parisian Renaissance style.

Louvre Museum
 French officials decided to build a satellite museum in 2004. French Prime Minister Jean-Poerre Raffarin chose Lens to be the site of the new building. Museum officials predicted that the new building, capable of receiving about 600 works of art, would attract up to 500,000 visitors a year when it opened in 2012.

The Louvre displays 35,000 works of art in eight curatorial departments. It contain more than 380,000 objects. Averaging with 65 person foreign tourists 15,000 visitors come to the Luuvre Museum per day. It is the world’s second most visited museum. In the history of museums the Louvre Museum is storehouse of historical Antiquities in the world.

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Note: Wikipedia