Heritage means our
inherited traditions, monuments, objects, and culture. Contemporary activities,
meanings, and behaviors that we got from past. Heritage is vital part of the
present live in and of the future we will build.
Heritage includes
much more than preserving, excavating, displaying, or restoring a collection of
old things. It is both tangible and intangible songs, recipes, language,
dances, and many other elements and important as historical buildings and
archaeological sites.
Heritage is subject
of active public reflection, debate, and discussion. What we saving, what can
we, or should we, forget? What memories can we enjoy, condolence and learn from
past and who Mentioned for past generations? Speak about material and intangible heritage. It is valuable
facet of public life in our multicultural world.
Heritage is a
contemporary activity with far-reaching effects. It can be components of
far- come into view urban and regional planning, platform for political recognition, a medium for intercultural dialogue, a means of moral reflection and the effective basis for local economic development. It is simultaneously local and particular, global and shared.
far- come into view urban and regional planning, platform for political recognition, a medium for intercultural dialogue, a means of moral reflection and the effective basis for local economic development. It is simultaneously local and particular, global and shared.
While research and oppressive,
experimental, humanitarian study of the past is and will always remain the
foundation of heritage activities will demand both international cooperation
and reach to goal and look for better world
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