Thursday, April 25, 2024


history of Museum

National Museum (Prague)

The National Museum (Prague) accumulates Medeval naterial objects or antiquities 
collections of natural history, Prehistory and history of Czech and foreign origin,
especially in the fields of mineralogy, geology, petrology,  paleontology
hydro biology, mycology, botany, entomology, zoology, anthropology
phehistory and protohistory.

A national museum is an institution at the national level of the participating countries. It preserves and displays all types of historical, cultural, anthropological, archaeological, natural history of the respective countries.

A national museum established for the purpose of collection, preservation, exhibition and research of historical, archaeological, anthropological, artistic and natural history artifacts. museum collects and preserves objects of scientific, artistic and historical importance and places them in display cases or display cases for permanent or temporary display to the public. Most of the world's museums are located in major cities. However, local museums can be seen developing in small towns, villages and rural areas as well. In the past, museums were built either by private or family initiative of rich people or by some institutional initiative. All these museums used to preserve works of art, rare and amazing natural objects or antiquities. Museums can be found all over the world. The ancient Alexandrian museums were the equivalent of modern graduate institutions.

All major cities of the world have famous museums. We will discuss about National Museum (Prague) in Czech Republic which is rich in history, tradition and collection of many archeological objects. A national institution established for the purpose of collection, preservation, exhibition and research of natural, scientific and historical, archaeological collections. It was founded in 1818 by Caspar Maria Sternberg. Historian Frantisek Palacchio was strongly involved in the foundation of the museum.

National Museum (Prague)

The National Museum Prague was founded on April 15, 1818. It was founded by Count Sternberg, the first president of the Society of the Patriotic Museum who served as trustee and operator of the museum. The museum's primary focus was on the natural sciences, partly because Count Sternberg was a botanist, mineralogist and distinguished phytopaleontologist.

The museum was originally housed in the Sternberg Palace. When the space became too small to house the museum's collections, the museum moved to the Nostitz Palace. It too had insufficient capacity, leading to the construction of a new museum building on Wenceslas Square.

The institution of the museum was increasingly seen as a center of Czech nationalism. Acting as historian and secretary of the National Museum in 1841, František Palacki tried to balance natural science and history.

The museum added about an intellectual shift in Prague. The Bohemian the Aristocracy had, until this time, been prominent, each politically and fiscally, in scholarly and medical agencies. But, the country wide Museum become created to serve all the inhabitants of the land, lifting the stranglehold the the Aristocracy had had on information. This turned into similarly multiplied by the historian František Palacký, who in 1827 counseled that the museum submit separate journals in German and Czech.[citation needed] formerly, the sizable majority of scholarly journals have been written in German, but within a few years the German journal had ceased publication, while the Czech magazine persisted for more than a century.

National Museum (Prague)

1949, the national government took over the museum and detailed the museum's role and leadership in the Museums and Galleries Act of 1959. In May 1964, the museum became an organization of five professional autonomous components, including the Museum of Natural Sciences, the Museum of History, the Naprostec Museum of Asian, African and American Culture, the National Museum Library, the Central Office of Magic. A sixth autonomous unit, the Museum of Czech Music, was established in 1976.

The building was damaged by a bomb during World War II in 1945, but the collections were not damaged as they were moved to a safer storage site. The museum was reopened in 1947 after intensive repairs

During the 1968 Warsaw Pact intervention, the main facade was severely damaged by strong Soviet machine-gun and automatic submachine-gun fire.

The main museum building was also damaged during the construction of the Prague Metro in 1972 and 1978. In 1978, the opening of the north-south highway on both sides of the building separated the museum from the city's infrastructure.

The museum was partially opened on 28 October 2018 The first permanent exhibition was opened to visitors in 2020.  The National Museum accumulates material document collections of natural history, prehistory and history of Czech and foreign origin, especially in the fields of mineralogy, geology, petrology, paleontology, hydrobiology, mycology, botany, entomology, zoology, anthropology, prehistory and protohistory. Medieval..

Permanent exhibitions:

  • Halls of Minerals - an exhibition focused on minerals, opened in June 2020
  • Miracles of Evolution - natural science exhibition, opened in September 2021
  • Windows into prehistory - exposition of life from Protozoic era to Quaternary era, opened in November 2021
  • History - the history of the Czech lands from 8th century to World War I, opened in March 2022
  • People - opening not yet announced
  • Jewellery - opening not yet announced

Mineralogical collection

Historically, the mineral collection is the main collection of the department. The mineral collection is one of the oldest collections in the National Museum. The mineral collection includes mineral specimens dating from the second half of the 18th century (some possibly from the 17th century), as well as new discoveries from the Czech Republic and worldwide. From its inception to the present day, the collection has been created to present a complete overview of the mineral resources of the Czech Republic. The mineral collection is not limited to a rich presentation of specimens of aesthetic value, excellent shape and bright color, but also combines specimens of high documentary and scientific value (including dozens of holotypes of new minerals), regardless of their beauty and distinction. Some rare minerals, native or foreign, are represented by only a few specimens. The size of mineral samples is also varied - from microscopic grains in samples polished for microscopic examination, several millimeters wide (alluvia, for example) or decimeters wide, to meter-wide druses of quartz crystals, calcite, fluorite, galena and other minerals.

Antiquities of Mineralogical collection

Miracles of Evolution - natural science exhibition

The National Museum's most famous exhibit, a fin whale skeleton, is one of Europe's most modern natural history exhibits. A new, modernly imagined natural science exhibit called The Miracle of Evolution. Animals are presented here in their natural habitat and motion, and unique and rare exhibits are complemented by brand new animal models. The light and sound elements of the individual halls give the space a unique atmosphere that will draw you into the fascinating world of animals.

 Miracles of Evolution

Windows into prehistory-exposition of life from Protozoic era to Quaternary era

The National Museum doesn't forget the children either. The exhibition also features unique animations in each showcase. Aimed at a children's audience and explains the complex processes of fossil formation in a very playful and educational way. At the same time, each room has haptic exhibits (real fossil castings) that you will be able to touch. The exhibition is complemented by interactive benches, where paleontology and the most famous exhibits are presented in comic book form.

Antiquities of Windows into prehistory

The National Museum is the largest museum in the Czech Republic. As the central state museum with collecting, scientific, educational and methodological functions it seeks to enhance the sense of national identity.

The National Museum contains approximately 14 million items from the fields of natural history, history, art, music and libraries, housed in dozens of museum buildings. The National Museum's main building underwent renovations in 2011–2019, and permanent exhibitions are gradually opening from spring 2020.

It is known as one of the most famous museums in the world for its rich collection of artifacts. Every day many visitors from home and abroad visit the museum.The National Museum Prague proudly presents the history and heritage of the Czech Republic to the world.